Monday, August 25, 2014

Imagine that day, Where you can finally say, "I did it!"

It's Story Time @ Judi's Studio & Health Spa in Kanata.
What kind of story should I tell today?  
It has been a long time since I have published a blog.  Life got in the way.  And what a busy life.  Lots of ups and downs, birthdays, moves, grandkids, saying goodbye :( and a new love. 
Life is like that.   
So today's story is a happy one!  I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach.  What a mouthful!!  A year of study(2014) with the Institute of Integrated Nutrition (IIN) including a fantastic conference in New York City, meeting other health conscious people, and I completed my Health Coaching certificate.  
Now it is only a piece of paper.  Ya! right!  lol!  We all know we love those papers.  
They look so good on the wall.  
During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some the of the world's top health and wellness experts.  My teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr David Katz, Director of Yale University's Preventions Research Center; David Wolfe, Andrea Beaman, and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.  
My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and preventive health.  Drawing of these skills and my knowledge of different dietary theories, I work with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results.
Life is like that!  Hats in the air!  
So excited then.... 
update websites, blogs, facebook (that great interchange of human kind in the great wide world), linkedin, get out and network, meet people, put that smile on, your 30 second info commercial!  
So much to do and where do I start? 

I am blessed to have my own home based business - Judi's Studio & Health Spa in Kanata.  A place for clients to come to relax, play, de-stress, detox, exercise, giggle and jiggle and unwind.
Learn about weight loss the Ideal Way with Ideal Protein or by health coaching.  Yes you can do it both ways!  and learn a bit about your triggers.
The Circle of Life! Integrative Plate!
What or where would you be if you didn't give up?  Keep moving forward.  
Imagine, reach out and you can see it and feel it.  :) 
It is what I feel as a Health Coach.  I am so excited to be able to help so many people.  You can see the hope in their faces. Of course there is frustration as some days just aren't what they hoped they would be.  But that is okay.  There is always a new day coming. 

Life is like that... every day starts fresh.  

Today is the start of the rest of my life...  and yours...   
On my wall I have a lovely saying...
Believe in Today Your life is Now.

I hope you will join me each week as we explore new ideas, inspirational words, recipes, nutrition and just blogging.  I will even include some specials available @ Judi's Studio & Health Spa Kanata and some available only on-line - 12 Day Detox, Physicians Weight Loss program, Self Care, 
3, 6, 9, 12 month coaching programs.  
But more about that another time.  
So hang in there and enjoy the day.  
Life is like that!

Judi's Studio & Health Spa

Please remember we will never tell anyone your secrets.  Your email and information is private.
But we would love for you to share our info with your friends.  :)

Chat soon.

This is a re-print of the blog I wrote in August, 2014.  My goals are the same... supporting you on your journey to health and I work on my own health. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's Breakfast Time ... the Ideal Way!


What is your favourite breakfast? 
I love pancakes. The delicious leisurely breakfast to share with family and friends.  It always conjures up family happy times.  Of courses I always feel guilty about all the carbs and so little of the good stuff - protein! 
Over the years I have added canned mandarins or applesauce or / and blueberries. .  You use a lot less syrup with the fruity taste in the batter.  And it is so yummy with the fruity taste.
Now I am adding protein to breakfast in the form of Ideal Protein packages.  Ideal Protein has a great Chocolate Pancake and Orange Pancake mix.  Add grated Zucchini and beaten egg whites to the package mix.  Delicious, tastey and satifying!
Of course on Stage 1 you can’t have the added fruit.   But what a great start to your day.  A full meal, full tummy and the feeling that you have treated yourself to a great ‘normal’ breakfast.  (Check out the the Ideal Protein weight loss program).
Maintenance is a whole other challenge.  How do you cope with all the temptation out there?  You have daily challenges to maintain your ideal weight.  You have worked hard to get the body you wanted.  Now you want to keep it. 
Start your day with your carbs and don’t forget your protein.  Today’s breakfast was designed for two.  It is always nice to be able to share a Sunday morning leisurely breakfast with your loved one.  
The menu:
Ideal Protein Orange Pancake mix with added Ideal Protein Pineapple Banana package and chopped strawberries and blueberries. (no fruit on the weight loss program - but great for a regular breakfast 
Topped with a mix of strawberries, blueberries and watermelon
Drizzled with Ideal Protein /Walden Farms maple flavoured syrup (no calories or carbs
Side order of chicken bacon.
What a nice combination of flavours!
Yummy! Satisfying! And my day is set. 

Or try: English Mc Muffin topped with egg, tomato and chicken bacon, with a side of fruit and yogurt.

Or an Ideal Protein Omlete - chop vegetable in frying pan, top with Omlete mix.  Toss a couple of cherry tomotoes for colour.

Have fun with your food!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"
"Don't think of eating in terms of denying yourself; think in terms of nurturing yourself.

Look at what you can add to your diet instead of what you need to take away."  
Dayle Haddon

Have a great Ideal Day!  Judi

Monday, July 25, 2011

What do you see in this picture?

What do you see in this picture?
Setting sun... tranquil waters... peace... relaxation... HOLIDAYS!
So many thoughts go through my mind... but mostly peace! And the enjoyable time when I took this picture.  Which was last night!  It is our first day of summer holidays.  After supper we took the kayaks out.  Just was too hot during the day.  35* on the water just didn’t seem like a great idea.  But as evening approached we knew it was now or another day.  (Never say never!!!) 
We didn’t paddle too far.  Just up to the point.  I can get internet reception on my iphone there.  Just so important to check my emails!  Lol!  Yes even on holidays!
Still calm so we continued on our paddle.  The skies were giving a beautiful display.  ‘Red sky at night sailors delight...’ The clouds were moving slowly across the sky.  Then the winds picked up.  The clouds turned dark. Still interesting to watch... if we weren’t in the kayaks... so paddling quickly – not my specialty! We made it back to the cottage.
So much like life!  Everything seems calm on the surface but you never know what is brewing underneath.  How can you control it?  What can you do to make the best of it? 
The twists and turns of life present obstacles and challenges.  How you deal with them and how you change them to your advantage is up to you.
I had a great ab workout last night.  Started out just a simple work out but with the increased challenge to get home before the weather completely changed which increase the workout to a great ab workout.  Still feeling it!!!  But that is good. 
Looking back at the picture again... see anything else?  Safety – life jacket, and of course the water bottle.  Never leave home without it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life is what you make it. Fact or fiction?

Life is what you make it.  Fact or fiction?

Everywhere you go or everything you read there is always someone giving advice.  I read it every day.  I enjoy reading and being motivated by someone else.  It is a change.  Usually I am the one offering advice or guidance.  

Now whether I believe everything I read is another matter.   Is it fact or fiction?  Truth or just someone’s idea of reality?  I guess it is how you interpret it that counts.

"When I speak, people will occasionally say...'Zig, I loved your talk, but for me, motivation doesn't last!' I always tell them...bathing doesn't either. That's why I recommend it daily."  Zig Ziglar

What do you do to motivate yourself?  Seems we need it every day.  Just like bathing...
How do you stay on track?  Do you reward yourself?  Remember rewards don’t have to be food!  Well the ice cream was delicious! What about a bubble bath  after the kids are in bed?   Or a walk with your honey when the dishes are all done (he does deserve a thank you!)  or just going to bed with a good book or getting to!
Now where was I?  Oh yes... staying on track... and getting the job done... or staying healthy.

How do you stay motivated  to follow a healthier way of life?

I struggle in this area at times too, but when I find I'm having difficulty I always remind myself of the REASON why being healthy is important.

For me, it's about living a healthy lifestyle which gives me the energy, health, and vitality I need to enjoy life.

What is your reason for a healthier way of life?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Attidude is Everything!

Attitude is Everything!
Often an email will come accross my desk that I just want to share.  This is one of them.  The video link is a beautiful redition of quotes to inspire you and set some basic rules.
Here is the list.
Then hit the link and enjoy the next 3 minutes.

Attitude is contagious, is Yours worth catching?

Attitude is Everything 10 Rules for Staying Positive.
by Vicki Hitzes

Here are 7 of them.

Rule # 7          Surround yourself with Positive People
Rule # 6          Understand the Power of Discipline
Rule # 5          Learn to say "NO"
Rule # 4         Joy Boomerangs
Rule # 3         Your Health is Your Wealth
Rule # 2         Keep an Attitude of Gratitude
Rule # 1        Wait to Worry

Attidude is Everything.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Todays Challenge! - Add Kale to your diet


Few foods can hold a candle to this leafy green. Kale is full of vitamins, minerals and health-enhancing antioxidants. Indeed, kale's filling fiber, bone-building calcium and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help support the body’s natural detox system, getting rid of harmful compounds that are thought to cause cancer, heart disease and other serious ills. And what a bargain it is too, at just about 60 cents a cup. Plus, kale is easy to prepare. Simply remove the center ribs of its leaves, then slice it into thin ribbons. Add this healthful pick to soups and stews in the last 20 minutes of cooking, or sauté it with a splash of olive oil for a delicious side dish.

Read More

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do you have the extra degree of effort to make it work?

At 211° water is hot.
At 212°, it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
The one extra degree makes the difference.
This simple analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence. Because it's the one extra degree of effort, in business and life, that can separate the good from the great.
Exert from 212°: The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson

What makes you do the extra 1°?  Is it the strint up the hill towards home?  The dash for the perfect pair of shoes on sale?  (thought I would throw that one in!) The extra effort when company comes to have the meal and house just perfect?  or is it just the feel-good endorphins you feel when you ramp up your workout? 

What about just the extra percent it takes to NOT reach for the extra chip... cracker... sweet treat...?
I know it is hard.  Nothing worthwhile is really free.  You have to work at it.  But your worth it ... RIGHT?  Not for your kids!  Not for your husband!  Not for your Mom!  But for YOU!  Right Now!

Make the extra degree of effort.  Feel good at the end of the day!  You did this for you. 
And if you got a bit side tracked along the route... well make it a curve and come right back. 

Get out for that walk... it is summer!  Or pull out the bike and go for a ride.  Wave to your neighbours!  Good arm movement.  Take the dog and go for a kayak ride. 
As you progress and do it more often you will want to add more...
but don't set yourself up for failure.  Start! 
Yes!     Start!
Then add... a bit at time. 

What ever you decide to do ... remember this is for you! 

Till next time...